Men began to adorn themselves assiduously during the time of the pharaohs, but if you get closer to our days, in the 19th century were in high demand gold watches, canes, low-key rings, cuff links and tie clips - a complete gentleman's kit. Gradually taken root in Europe, the male culture of restraint. Men's Jewelry became familiar gangster style or desire to challenge the whole society.

Current trends in this area - a kind of restoration of man in his rights. It coincided with the triumph of elegant style. The clothes have become the embodiment of his double-breasted jackets, shirts with cuffs to cuff links and bright ties, the patterns that complement the pins and barrettes.

The demand for jewelry for men was significantly up from the mid 80's last century. Top 90 leading fashion companies 20-30% of products dedicated to men. Many fashion designers such as Karl Lagerfeld and Paco Rabanne argue that the man in the jewelry can afford almost anything.
Special love for jewelry often encountered in the twilight of the 20 th century, metrosexuals, which appear in the ranks of David Beckham, George Michael, Ricky Martin, Daniel Craig.

Thus, there is an obvious return to the tradition of male samoukrasheniya, which developed a century ago, and compounded with the emergence of new trends.

Men who want to emphasize its sophistication, the designers have proposed a small jewelry that can be unobtrusive part of the classic costume. In addition to traditional cufflinks, buttons and bracelets, nearly forgotten, and again returned, there were quite original decorations - like the classic style and extravagant. A set of inserts was supplemented with mother of pearl and colored stones. Thus, restraint and austerity gave way to original design and eccentric performance.

Ancestor of the modern male ornaments of gold and enamel. Further, his imagination has created even more funny thing: ladybugs, gnats, ants for the gold pins, etc. is an Italian designer Giancarlo Montebello. The direction of his work - the creation of elegant things for good taste. In 1987, he offered the men a new symbol of elegance - the famous flower for buttonholes made of gold and enamel.

Gradually, miniature decoration in his lapel jacket male ceased to surprise anyone. Together with cufflinks, tie pins and bracelets, it was included in that set of elegant knick-knacks, which is part of the image of the modern gentleman. The same set may include accessories that are not connected with the suit by also emphasize the respectability of their owner: made of precious metal cigarette case, key ring, money clip, pen.

For the person with the means of seeking to gently emphasize your taste, becomes the main issue of choice. Expensive suit and a good watch - it is essentially uniform. Mostly male ornament considered to be watches, which have become real jewels. Their role in the image of men is so great that many experts recommend is to watch 'dancing' in the choice of other jewelry.

There is an unwritten rule that an expensive watch it is desirable to "balance" has at least one ornament - for example, tie clips, rings, cufflinks. Cufflinks for this must be fully combined with hours of material, style and design.

Ably emphasize their own uniqueness with the help of expensive "gadgets" is far from over, but only those who by nature has a good taste. On the other hand, guided by the recommendations of the creators of fashion - the famous couturiers and designers - is becoming increasingly difficult because men's fashion is moving forward by leaps and bounds in its unpredictability overtaking women. What today is considered good form, tomorrow it could be absurd.

So you should be guided by general rules, which remain in force, despite all the new developments.
Jewellery worn by a man, always a certain set of characters, a kind of message that is easy to decipher. Thus, thick gold chains and bracelets - a stable character gangster style. Therefore, choosing decorations, you should always know how it is worn and for what.

Decorations are always treated in a cultural context: for a Spaniard, for example, a massive ring - a tribute to the tradition, not a question of taste. Wearing jewelry is associated with psychological issues: they require their owner confidence in himself and in his taste.

"Carrier" jewelry is required and some artistry - they like the scenery, which you should be able to beat. And some new items offered by jewelry firms have been calculated and a good sense of humor - otherwise they will make a man ridiculous.
Thus, if there is no confidence in the correctness of the choice - better than nothing to wear. Exceptions are family treasures, they tend to look natural. Or jewelry created by famous artists, they really are perfect. Symbol of this time - not striking things of good design.

Some rules for choosing decorations are related to our age. Moreover, the younger man, so can safely be "Jewelry". The older - the splendid decorations are permissible to him.
Here, of course, there may be various options, but the overall scheme looks like this ... ring. In his youth, ornaments serve others. Proceeding from this, boys and men up to age 25-29 years, according to experts, will suit the fashion jewelry, and even avant-garde design of silver and (or) of gold, which can be decorated with various stones - amethyst, emerald, ruby, topaz etc.

But diamonds are contraindicated - it rocks for a more advanced age. Rings of young people is also not recommended. But to cufflinks and tie clip, they can safely add, for example, a bracelet or an earring in her left ear.
Men of mature age with ornaments, tend to emphasize his image, complete the image of a respectable and stylish man. Of the "gentleman's set of" cleaned bracelets and earrings, with cufflinks and tie pins disappear stones to replace the silver comes gold, often in combination with platinum, in the arsenal there are rings and rings.

Suppose a small seal on the little finger, a relatively large ring on the ring or middle finger. Ring can be smooth, monogram or a stone. Diamonds are allowed, but not too large - up to 0.5 carats. In the classic style of jewelry is desirable (however, it is possible and avant-garde), concisely and clearly marked, not smooth lines.
Posle 40-45 years, when the fore and success in life, as they say, the true value, preference is usually the classics, to cufflinks and pins back stones (including sapphires and emeralds) and the diamonds are larger - and more carats. On the middle finger asks solid expensive ring as a symbol of social status.

In old age platinum gold pushes into the background, stones can become even bigger in the design of jewelry preferred originality and sophistication. The elderly gentleman can wear on his arm "rich" bracelet (of course, nicer) and it will not seem vulgar luxury.
Article Source: orchidea.com.ua
Very nice collection......
ReplyDeleteLike the necklace in the first photo. What collection is it from? Where can I get one?
ReplyDeletelove the post really you doing great and very nice collection keep it up
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