Men began to adorn themselves assiduously during the time of the pharaohs, but if you get closer to our days, in the 19th century were in high demand gold watches, canes, low-key rings, cuff links and tie clips - a complete gentleman's kit. Gradually taken root in Europe, the male culture of restraint. Men's Jewelry became familiar gangster style or desire to challenge the whole society.

Current trends in this area - a kind of restoration of man in his rights. It coincided with the triumph of elegant style. The clothes have become the embodiment of his double-breasted jackets, shirts with cuffs to cuff links and bright ties, the patterns that complement the pins and barrettes.

The demand for jewelry for men was significantly up from the mid 80's last century. Top 90 leading fashion companies 20-30% of products dedicated to men. Many fashion designers such as Karl Lagerfeld and Paco Rabanne argue that the man in the jewelry can afford almost anything.